TSX and TSX Venture Exchange Fees

Remove Liquidity 1 Add Liquidity 2
Stocks trading < 1.00 CAD per share CAD 0.00015 CAD 0.00
Toronto Interlisted Stocks trading >=1.00 CAD9 per share CAD 0.0027 CAD (0.0023)
Stocks trading >=1.00 CAD per share CAD 0.0015 CAD (0.0011)
ETFs, TSX per share CAD 0.0017 CAD (0.0013)
Toronto Only Open, Close or Reopen Auctions per share CAD 0.003 3 CAD 0.003 3
Toronto on Close > 1 CAD 0.00225 CAD 0.00225
Toronto on Close < 1 CAD 0.0002 CAD 0.0002
Venture Only Open, Close or Reopen Auctions per share CAD 0.0012 7 CAD 0.0012 7
Venture on Close > 1 CAD 0.00225 CAD 0.00225
Venture on Close < 1 CAD 0.0002 CAD 0.0002
Toronto Only Extended Trading per share CAD 0.001 CAD 0.001
Venture Extended Trading per share CAD 0.002 CAD 0.002
NEX Listed8 per share CAD 0.0004 CAD 0.0004
Hidden, Stocks priced >=1.00 CAD per share CAD 0.0010 CAD 0.0000
Hidden, Stocks priced <1.00 CAD per share CAD 0.00015 CAD 0.0000
Hidden, ETF priced >=5.00 CAD per share3 CAD 0.0003 CAD 0.0000
Hidden, ETF priced >=1.00 CAD per share3 CAD 0.0001 CAD 0.0000


  • Rebates are in parentheses.
  1. Orders that are immediately executed against an existing bid or offer on an exchange\'s or ECN\'s order book.
  2. Adding an order to an exchange or ECN\'s order book before being executed.
  3. Maximum CAD 30.00 per trade.
  4. Minimum Guaranteed Fill (MGF) Cancellation fee of USD 100 per cancellation attributed to participant responsible for causing an MGF trade to be cancelled. IB reserves the right to charge the customer this fee without otherwise designing an automated billing since it rarely should apply to client orders.
  5. Minimum CAD 0.50 per trade, Maximum CAD 50.00 per trade.
  6. Maximum CAD 50.00 per trade.
  7. Maximum CAD 60.00 per trade.
  8. Maximum CAD 50.00 per trade.
  9. A list of stocks eligible for the above listed "interlisted" fees is provided on the Toronto Stock Exchange website http://www.tsx.com/trading/toronto-stock-exchange/fee-schedule